About a month ago Bryce notified us that his tooth was loose. He was upset because he didn't want to lose any of his teeth. We tried to explain best we can about how he will get new teeth and how fun the tooth fairy will be and did we mention...you get MONEY too? He tells us he has enough money in his piggy bank and he would rather just keep his teeth. Bryce has always been a little hard to trick.
I tried to recall when I was young and loosing teeth. I remember I didn't love the sensation and I hated pulling them. I would just wait until they basically fell out on their own. Some kids would talk about tying a string to the tooth and slamming a door shut, others would say to just yank it out, but that just seemed barbaric to me. The timeline for loose teeth is unclear though. I recall it like this: loose tooth one day, the next day it falls out. Not real accurate.
Bryce's tooth stayed loose for a whole month! We'd tell him to yank it out but he must have adopted my "wait till it falls out" method. He'd play with it with his tongue...not my favorite thing to watch! I swore it was going to come out a week ago, but Bryce started to baby it. He wouldn't eat with his front teeth and he wouldn't eat anything hard.
Finally it came out this morning! Bobby, Leah (still sneaking in with us) and I were still asleep on our bed, when he runs upstairs, tooth in hand, screaming, "I lost it, it FINALLY came out!" I was nervous...is he going to be happy or mad?
To my suprise he was way excited and I was glad he wasn't going to be traumatized from the experience. He got a bag and said he couldn't wait to get $. I guess you never really can have too much...right?
Now I get to play the tooth fairy and I'm a little unsure about the amount to give. I don't want to be a cheap tooth fairy and give him some spare change, but $20 may seem a little overboard. I'm going with a dollar or maybe I got five on it.
This is yet another milestone screaming at me, telling me how old he is getting. It seems like he was just born yesterday...I totally understand the saying "Time Flies!"
I can't believe how ig he is! He looks so cute with his missing tooth. He is one of the sweetest boys I know.
that is supposed to say "how Big he is" but apparently I can't spell, and I don't proof read.
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