Monday, April 20, 2009

Our T-ball Stats: no outs, no strikes, no wins!

We are about half way through our t-ball season and I must say it has been a blast so far. The kids are just so stinkin' cute. I love the way they look at "Coach" Bobby. The look at him like he is AMAZING! I guess I can see why ;) One of the little girls on the team drew him a pretty picture and gave it to him. It is such a positive experience for all the kids...and the parents too!

The thing about t-ball is there are no outs, no strikes, no score. It is halfway through the season and it is still a little chaotic out there. A friend of mine described t-ball as controlled chaos, and I couldn't agree more. The kids have already improved tremendously, but there are always moments during the game when a kid will get distracted by a butterfly, plays in the dirt or sits on the field because they have checked out. The kids are all having fun though and that is what's important, especially because it's not like we can win anyway.

Bryce LOVES putting on his uniform. The first week he got it we woke up to him already suited up. He wanted to wear it to school, he was so excited. One week he was so sick with a fever and he begged me to take him to t-ball practice. The kid really LOVES the game. One of my favorite things he does is when he slides into home plate. It is totally unnecessary since no one is trying to throw him out, but it looks good and gets his white pants dirty. One day I asked him why he slides and he said, "If you don't get dirty, you aren't trying hard enough." Who knows where he gets this stuff...

Here are some of my favorite picks of the season so far:

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