Sunday, February 6, 2011

My Give a Damn is Busted

You ever feel like you have so much to say and then go back and forth with yourself about whether or not it is better to keep it to yourself and move on, or pour your guts out? That's how I have been feeling lately....

I want to tell people off and stand up for myself. I want to be a b-word to many different people. Give them a piece of my mind....then I decide...NO, not going to go there. But then, instead of moving on, it ends up eating me up inside. Not sure if it is better to let people have it, or just live your own life with intent and purpose and really... let everything else go.

It's sad, but I am coming to a point where I feel it's better to care less about people, their lives and their choices. I am always super involved with other people's lives and I think it is somewhat of a downfall in my personality. I really care too much about things that have nothing to do with me and my family. I am a fixer of other people's problems and it's draining.

I think I am going to try to make a conscience effort to "not care" anymore. It will be hard. It isn't in my make-up, but there is always room for change. And sometimes, change is a good thing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, see, I say too much and don't filter myself and then get in trouble.

BUT I don't care. I mean, if someone pisses me off, disappoints me, is annoying, etc, I think they should know. On the flip side, I want to know when I'm being a jerk and think I can take some harsh comments.

If you are investing yourself in people and they aren't giving back, let them go! Life is too short and there are way too many awesome people to waste your time on the lame ones!