Thursday, March 10, 2011

Breakfast in Bed

Bobby is out of town for the next few days. I HATE it. I don't sleep well, and I miss him, and he is so helpful in the morning during the school routine. I will live though. The only good part is whenever he is gone, I pull out my most ugly, comfortable pajamas. The full back panties get pulled out from the back of the drawer. Sa-wwweeeet! There is no one to impress. This is the one plus, but mostly I am a little grumpier without Bobby here.

Until this morning....

Bryce comes up and brings me this:

He says he made me breakfastt in bed since Dad was gone. It was complete with a Flinstone vitamin and gold chocolate coin! So, this morning I am thankful that Bobby has taught our little man how to be such a sweet, and thoughtful young boy. Moms, start the application process here. I'm pretty sure he is going to make a great husband one day.

When you wake up to this, it doesn't matter if you are exhausted and slept like crap, I woke with the biggest smile!

Then he asked me what I'm making him for breakfast!


Unknown said...

He is such a sweetheart!!!

Driscoll Duo said...

so freakin cute! and by the are gonna have to teach me some "blog stylin"! Not only am I IN LOVE with your new blog layout....but the picture up top could seriously not be ANY cuter. Your family is SO adorable!!! :)