Sunday, April 3, 2011

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Our baseball season is in full swing! This year is so different from last. The skill level is much higher and it is way harder for the kids. Now they have to analyze pitches, which is extremely difficult when the kids are pitching. In years before, every pitch the coaches threw at them was "hit able." Plus, they can get thrown out on base now, they can steal bases, they can strike out, you know, "real" baseball. The games are WAY more exciting to watch now. Bobby and his good friend David are coaching. They are such fun coaches to the kids. I am so proud of how they treat the kids, and trust me, not all coaches are fun. We've played against some that I swear thought the little league game was the world series. We also got to be the Dodgers this year, which is awesome for us because we have so much fan apparel. The funny thing is though, we have played other leagues who also have the Dodgers. It's hilarious when it's Dodgers vs. Dodgers.

I always assumed Bryce would play 2nd base, like Bobby, but he is choosing his own path and is playing catcher!! He is quite good behind the plate. It is so much work to catch at this age. He gets up and down over 100 times during the game. He looks adorable in his catcher's gear. I think he likes it so much because there is a lot of action at the plate. He caught a foul ball to get someone out! I went CRAZY! How friggin' awesome is that to watch?!

The skill level is improving, the kids are getting better with each game and it is so fun to go and watch every Tuesday and Saturday. We also got really lucky with our parents this year. They are so involved and so supportive of their kids. We even cheer when the other team does well, because you can't help but be excited when these little guys make a great play or hit the crap out of the ball. Bryce has a huge fan following between the grandparents and great grandparents, even Tynli has been out to cheer Bryce on. Leah loves going to the field too. There are a couple other little sisters that come out and she plays and play and plays. Her favorite part is the snack bar. I have to accept that snack bar food is part of our diets now. She usually talks one of the grandparents into getting her something sweet!

Last year, I made the most awesome banner and we lost the competition because they said it wasn't "homemade." Mostly it was handmade, but it looked so awesome they probably had to disqualify us because it looked too good! This year, we had another awesome banner. I mean we cut baseballs in half and had the kids sign the ball. It really was cute. And guess what?

We lost! To a banner that resembled my idea from the year before, but had more of a handmade look. I will win it one of these years! We get so many compliments on our banner though, and the kids love it, so that is good enough for me...kinda!

We are pretty busy with this season and having a ball!

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