So Leah is going through a stage called the terrible two's or it could be what is called being a woman. She's been throwing fits at stores when she doesn't get what she wants. After I get her dressed she goes into her room and changes into whatever she wants (usually princess apparel). She gets into make-up, lotion, perfume, anything cosmetic and applies it to her face, legs, hair and surroundings. Partly, it is cute! Partly, it is annoying. I love that she knows what she wants and is able to express it. I mean what woman doesn't want something when they go shopping, change there clothes a million times and love applying make-up? However, when we are in a store and she doesn't get what she wants a temper-tantrum is annoying. When we are about to leave and I realize she isn't wearing weather appropriate clothing, I have to dress her all over again, and THIS is annoying. And when she smears mascara all over her face and carpet, I get a little annoyed.
It was one of those days when all of the above occured and I said, "Leah you are being sooooo annoying!!"
She said, "NO I'm not annoying!"
I said, "Well, you are annoying me!."
She says in her most snooty voice, "My DAD doesn't think I'm annoying!"
I said, "Oh really?"
She said, "Yeah, he thinks I'm a princess."
Everything I was annoyed about went away. What a cute moment. I too enjoyed the relationship between my Dad and me when I was a little girl. I would often drive my mom crazy but beamed when my Dad was around. Dads should make their daughters feel like they are a princess. I guess she can be my "annoying princess!"