Tuesday, January 3, 2012

School is IN!

School started and I felt a little lost. The first day I did pretty good. The second day I felt sad. I went to the office and was a little teary-eyed. Well, the secretarty mentioned they had to open a new kindergarten class and wondered if I'd want to do it since I had free time now. I would be at the school to see my kids, so I accepted the job, not knowing how long it would be for. They said until they hired a permanent teacher.

So even more change! The job lasted two months. I was a full time working teacher with two school aged kids. I was really glad I took the kindergarten job. It was great money and I got to see Leah at lunch everyday and I grew really close with my class. But boy oh boy, was I exhausted. There is a special place in heaven for kinder teachers!

Leah LOVES school. She gets her homework done on the first day she gets it, she is very popular and has adjusted so well. When I finally stopped working and she wasn't seeing me everyday there was a bit of an adjustment period for her but she is used to not seeing me there everyday now!

Bryce is doing very well. His report card is great and he got to participate in a GATE activity painting cubism art. He loved it. He gets to play beyblades during recess and soccer. He is a well adjusted 3rd grader!

Summer Wrap Up

I started writing this in Summer (told you I'm behind). I LOVE summer! I love not having a routine, or places to go. Some days we stayed in our pajamas ALL day, and loved it! We also had a fun time on a couple adventures.

I feel like a lot changes with the mark of a new school year. Leah is starting kindergarten. I'm sad in a different way than I was with Bryce. I'm excited for her, but it changes my purpose. I've been pretty much a stay at home mom, with the exception of substitute teaching here and there for 8 years. Now with both of them in school, I will work more and it means no more toddlers in this house. I guess I'm feeling blue and a little empty nest syndrome. School is such a bitter sweet thing for this mom.

This summer we had a blast, but we always do! The kids decided on small birthday parties ( I limited them to 5 guests) and instead go to Disney for a couple days. We also made a Pier trip and had plenty of swimming dates at Grandma's. We took a couple Vegas trips, one with friends and one for my sister-in-laws 21st birthday. My mom had her 50th birthday and my dad surprised her with renewing their vows. It was such a special day. Not looking forward to getting back to the grind!