Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Heart of Gold

Tonight was one of those nights, I couldn't help but get all emotional about Bryce. I am so proud and honestly a little in awe of his grasp and understanding of life. I know as parents, we all have these moments when you are just so proud of your kid, for getting "it," whatever that "it" is.

I decided to paint Leah's closet today. Leave me in my house long enough, with enough free time and the paint will come out. While I was preoccupied with this, my kids did whatever they pleased downstairs. Needless to say, I came down to several cookie packages open and just as many juices and fruit snacks. They basically had a feast. I was reprimanding them and that was that.

Leah picks out her story for tonight and gets Bernstein's Bears...Too Much Junk Food. I chuckled a little because she always picks this book after we discuss eating healthy. We are reading through this great book ,with many simple lessons about eating healthy. We get to the part where they show how the body works with cool illustrations of the nervous system and skeleton system, and whatever other systems we have. Bryce really likes this part and always asks a ton of questions about how our bodies work.

He asks, "Why do they even make junk food if it's bad for you?"

I tell him we always have a choice and teach him about moderation.

He says, "It tastes so good though!"

I tell him , I know and that I have a hard time picking the healthy thing every time because the bad food is addicting.

Then he starts asking about the blood in our bodies, how we make enough when we loose some, how the food goes through our body, why we have butts and privates and how we live if we don't have lungs.

I tell him we can't live without lungs.

He asks, "Then why do they make cigarettes, if they kill people and ruin their lungs?"

I tell them they didn't know when they made them, that they were so bad for us.

Logically he asks, "But now they know, so why do they still make them?"

I tell him people are addicted and pay a lot of money and the people that make cigarettes like money.

Here's the part where I am just amazed at how he interprets things.

He says:

"Well you know Mom, money isn't everything. And no amount of money is OK to kill people. These people that make cigarettes should have to face a judge and go to jail for killing people. And you know, sometimes, they even have to pay a fine. Like $1,000, probably, in one month, and that's a lot. So then they should have to loose the money they made anyway. Why isn't it like that Mom?"

He is very worked up about this whole situation and even has tears in his eyes. He is so passionate, I am so proud! I tell him I wish it was like that too....

This kid has a heart of gold and it is pumping pure innocence. Sometimes kids just have a way of seeing things the way they should be, more so then the grown-ups =)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wrong Side of the Bed

The other night Bryce was complaining of a tummy ache right before bed. He went to the bathroom and said he felt better, but I knew, as most moms know, throw-up was going to be in the near future. So, we all go to bed and sure enough at 1:00am our little Bryceman comes crawling in our bed. We fall asleep and about 1 minute later he sits straight up out of our bed.

"Mom! I have to throw-up!"

I jump out of bed in time to lift him up out of our bed. In the process of the lift he throws up all over the carpet. I rush him into the bathroom. He throws up on the tile. Finally, he makes it to the toilet for the last bout. I HATE throw up more than anything. Once he is done, he crawls back into our bed and falls fast asleep. This leaves Bobby and I assessing the situation.

Perhaps the worst thing, is looking at it, smelling it and wondering where the hell you should even begin to clean this up.

We get the stuff on the tile with a large towel and a ton of antibacterial wipes. I spray the room with Lysol to kill whatever may be flying around and mask the smell. Then I ask Bobby to go and get the steam cleaner to clean the carpet. He does this as I finish up the tile.

When he arrives at the top of the stairs with the cleaner he says that the steam cleaner leaked and smells like crap. Rewind to last week.... OOH CRAP!! I forgot I left the water in the cleaner from a week ago when I steam cleaned the carpet. It smells like hell!

Now I have to dump this disgusting smelly water out and clean the steam cleaner before I can clean the puke! I dump the old stuff in the steaming hot shower and dump Pine sol all over the cleaner and shower.

Once the steam cleaner is back in business, I start with the throw up and get that cleaned. Then I have to steam clean every stair because the steam cleaner leaked all over the stairs and left a trail from the garage to our room. I get all this cleaned up within the hour and lay in bed to try and sleep.

The whole night I sleep horrible because every time Bryce would move I would sit up prepared with the bucket to catch whatever came out so I wouldn't have to clean the floor again. Glad to report he was fine the rest of the night.

We wake up exhausted but ready to face the day. Bobby gets in the shower. It starts clogging up. Rewind to last night. OOPS! By dumping the carpet cleaning in the shower with all the carpet fuzz, I completely clogged the drain. So poor Bobby has to undo the drain and pull out whatever it was. Basically, a huge mess of God knows what! He is dry heaving and the smell is awful. He tells me being a plumber may be the only job that would be too much for him.

We get that straightened out and come downstairs. Nothing else can go too wrong, right? WRONG! Our dog decided to pee on my freshly cleaned carpets. I am so pissed at him until I open the garage door to realize Bryce blocked his dog door with his bike.

So, no one is at fault, but everyone is in a bad mood and walking around in a bit of a frustrated huff. Bryce tells me right before he threw up he was having a horrible dream that something was stuck in his throat. Poor guy! Can you imagine what an awful dream and feeling that was?! This makes me feel worse for him than us for the morning we had. We can look back and laugh about it now, but talk about starting the morning on the wrong side of the bed.