Thursday, October 15, 2009

I Wanna Be Absent!

Getting Bryce to go to school is a little like pulling teeth. I think I have made it too comfortable for him here. When I was a kid I couldn't wait to go to school. I would rather be there than at home putting up with my 3 brothers or a screaming mom. But Bryce, wants to stay home. He says it is more fun here, his toys are here and school is dumb and boring. Not Good!

He is still doing very well in school. It is week 4 and he has aced every spelling tests and gotten 100% on all of his math tests. The kid is smart. I would think because he excels he would want to go....nope. Nothing is better than home.

Once we make him get into the car, he is fine but it is the fight to get him to that point that is wearing on all of us. Every morning he asks if he could just be absent. He tells me school is too long, it's too early. He wants to go back to half day like in kindergarten. He says all this in an extremely whining voice. The only good thing he says about ALL day school is two recesses. A boy has to have his priorities.

Since the whining has not been working he has gotten even more creative with the reasons he needs to stay home.

Bryce: "Mom, I wanna be absent. I think I need to stay home, I have a cold."
Me: "I don't think you have a cold...why do you think you do?"
Bryce: "Feel my head I have a fever," he reaches my hand to his forehead. "See it's really cold. I have a fever. I have a cold."
Me: " When you have a fever, your forehead is hot, not cold."
Bryce: "Oh, I guess I don't have a cold then and I'll go to school."

Next excuse was one of my favorites.

Bryce: "Mom, I wanna be absent. I'm sick."
Mom: "What's wrong with you?"
Bryce: "I have allergies and I might be contagious and I don't really want to get my friends sick."
Mom: "Allergies aren't contagious."
Bryce: "OK, I'll guess I'll go then..."

1st grade is a harder adjustment than kindergarten was, it does seem too long to me too. We miss the little guy! I am proud of him for going and doing a good job even though he'd rather stay home. I think if I keep strong sending him and he keeps it up with his 100% I may just let him be absent to go be sick at Disneyland as a reward.


Unknown said...

Sounds like his classes are too easy, hence being bored. Is there advanced Classes in first grade?

April Graves said...

Well, as long as he doesn't have a full working knowledge of diseases, you'll be okay and can outsmart him. But after that, maybe you could do some sort of reward chart? The little smartie pants. What's his teacher like?

Bobby, Jenny, Bryce and Leah said...

No advance class. And we do have a reward sticker chart. He has gotten a toy already for doing well in school but he still doesn't want to go. I'm hoping it is a stage and just an adjustment period.

His teacher is great! She was school district teacher of the year last year and he likes her, but i think he just likes me more. haha!

I feel like I am getting to the point of not being able to outsmart him. He on top of his game!