Friday, July 22, 2011

11 years....

Today is our 11th year of marriage and 17th year together. That was hard to write as I hate odd numbers...

Looking back, it is almost funny to see where we are now. When our families met I was 5 and Bobby was 9. We grew up teasing each other, playing guns and a game we called "Lions." Sometimes when we sit back and talk about those times it is crazy to think we actually got married and made two little pieces of heaven (sometimes hell) Bryce and Leah.

Once, when I was totally crushing on him and he hated me, he walks up and said I was pretty. My heart melted. It was even in front of all of our brothers.  Then he said, "Pretty ugly!" I still married him and that story will forever go down in history. I still think he thought I was pretty and too cool to admit it.

When (at 12) I told people I wanted to marry this guy they looked at me like I was nuts. When we actually started dating, Bobby's friends all thought he was crazy. I'm sure there were very few people who thought we'd actually make it. My 7th grade teacher bet me we would be broken up by the end of the year or he'd give me $20. They all could have been right. But they weren't, and I'm so happy.

Whether it be luck or hard work or a combo of both, I am glad to be where we are. We have a blast together and when things get hard, there isn't anyone else I can imagine in the trenches with me. It works, without having to change each other or wish for something better. I thank God for that. Every night.

For years he has been asking for pictures of me, probably since we got married. I wasn't sure if I ever would. Then I found this great boudoir photographer and surprised him today with a book full of pictures. He said it was the best present ever. I was pretty proud of having the guts to do them, as it was nerve racking. I will do whatever it takes to make him happy. It's the least I can do for all the happiness he brings me.

 I really don't know why people wouldn't want to be married and have kids. This is my heaven. Even when it's hell, wouldn't trade it for anything. And that's after a week of dealing with the stomach flu with both kids. You know it must be love! Here's to a lifetime of these mushy anniversary posts =)

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